Emily's Insta

Monday, November 11, 2013

This is my misadventure on the double 11, this is not my first time to lost my wallet. 
And it's just happened in between one year.
After steal, one after another rob.

It came out quite unawares, quite undesignedly.
A lot of students is move around, and it just in front of the guard house!!

ya, i care about all my things were lost, all the memorize was gone...
but, the more i care and mind are that i had bring a lot trouble to you all.
always ... ... Feel like i was born in trouble.
i know this time i'm worrying to my parents, sisters and brother again.

I can almost smell it _ Depressed, lifeless, trashy __
BUT at the same time, i felt all caring from friends from family.
it's really warm to saw you all comments, messages ....
although i can't reply to all one by one,
but i do appreciate ENOUGH.

Thanks to Set Lee, You, soh po still blame on yourself but is none of your business...any accident happen is can't predict but can prevent I know. 
Thanks for your accompany and the whole day u busy for me don't even have time to take your meal. 
Thanks, You do help me a lot and a lot even skip the class. 
Thank you for being my notifier and your phone is rang non-stop. Sorry for always bringing trouble to you. 

Thanks my brother to trace back my phone, *i still pay a small hope to the police, hope you do something after we gave u the location, i believe in you please*
My brother was the representative, he is the person who come and rang my doorbell, take me out.
Drive here to there, accompany till the midnight.

Thanks for Hannah Hem forgive me all the things.
Thanks for housemate help to check this and that.
Thanks for Daniel fetching me to police station.
Thanks for Jamus to lending me his slipper while my shoes is broken in the accident and he is actually just pass by.
Thanks for Kelven the first call, you find your way to found my friend phone number and wish to give me a hand.
Thanks for 路人甲乙丙丁 inform the car plate number and trying to give me a hand too,
Thanks for all classmate, coursemate greeting.
Thanks for classmate who are trying to search for my iphone.

Actually actually !! i dont think to so high profile but....it's just happened around campus. *bitter smile*
Anyway, nothing hurt just a
猪手 appear.